March 11, Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Legion of Mary, Devout Life, St. Mary's Parish
March 27-29, Parish Lenten Mission, Mary at the Foot of the Cross, Jesus Gives us His Mother, St. Patrick Vancouver
May 7 , Introduction of Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Legion of Mary, Devout Life, Good Shepherd Church
September 8-9-10, Legion of Mary, “Devout Life – I,” Carmel Hill, Deroche
September 22-23-24, Legion of Mary, “Devout Life—II,” Westminster Abbey, Mission
September 27, “Jacques Maritain and Flannery O’Connor: The Metaphysics of Creativity,” Catholic Pacific College, Langley
October 12, “Addiction: from Pornography to Sexual Trafficking,” St. Mary’s Parish, Vancouver
October 14, Jesus the Saviour: True God and True Man, Saints Peter and Paul, Vancouver
November 3-4-5, Padre Pio Prayer Group, “St. Padre Pio and St. Gemma Galgani: Touching the Wounds of Jesus,”
Carmel Hill, Deroche |
November 11, Catholic Woman’s League, “The Annunciation,” St. Mary’s Parish, Vancouver | Topic: "A Virgin Named Mary"
November 11-12, Guards of Honour of Sacred Heart at Saint Mary's Parish Chilliwack
November 24, "Who is Jesus." Saint Patrick’s Parish, Maple Ridge